Month of March Lion and Lamb Fun

lion stuffed animal plush

Lion Plush Stuffed Animal

March should be everyone’s favorite month. It marks the end of Winter, but, more importantly it is the beginning of Spring and with it comes very welcome warm weather. This warmth does not come without paying a final price in high winds at the beginning of the month of March followed by much calmer times at the end of the month. To exemplify these two periods of weather the beginning of the month with its high winds is represented by a Lion. In contrast the calmer times of the end of the month are represented by a Lamb. To enjoy this change in the weather I wrote an article about how Lion plush stuffed animals and Lamb Plush Stuffed Animal Toys can make this more fun. The month of March Comes in like a Lion and goes out like a Lamb. For classrooms the Lion and Lamb plush stuffed animals and toy miniatures provide hands on fun and best of all an actual point of reference for understanding the weather symbolism for which they represent.
lamb stuffed animal plush

lamb plush stuffed animal